
Colour models RGB, CMYK and PMS
Colour models RGB, CMYK and PMS

Ever heard of the terms RGB, CMYK and PMS? You might as a company, but we can imagine that as a customer you haven't. This makes it all the more confusing if your print product looks different in comparison to your original design.

Colour meanings and implementation within marketing
Colour meanings and implementation within marketing

Colours are often associated with certain emotions and ideas. All the more reason for marketers and companies to carefully consider their way of branding.

Common printing errors and how to avoid them
Common printing errors and how to avoid them

You are sure that you uploaded or created the perfect design and you decide to order at HappyPrinting or another printing business. However, after receiving your product, the design does not turn out as you expected.

5 tips for using an online editor
5 tips for using an online editor

Online editing can be hard, especially when you are not a designer. Luckily for you, we offer an easy online editor, to make every product look like it is made by a professional designer. The editor can be used for almost all our products. From business cards to flyers to flags. We will give you some tips to make the best designs!

How do I deliver a good printing file?
How do I deliver a good printing file?

At HappyPrinting we know, like nobody else, how easily something can go wrong when ordering printed materials. To prevent you from running into surprises along the way, we will share 10 easy tips that will help you deliver a good printing file!

Resolution and compression
Resolution and compression

The terms resolution and compression might not sound unfamiliar to you. These terms are connected to the quality and sharpness of your picture. What do these terms mean and what are they good for?

How to edit photo's before printing?
How to edit photo's before printing?

Do you want to print something at HappyPrinting? Then you should have your design ready to go. In case, you do not know how to edit or if you just want to check whether you missed some steps, this blog is perfect for you. Your photo might not come out as you expected it. Knowing how to edit your photos is important for creating a design to your liking.